Failed to initialize Direct3D что делать

Failed to initialize Direct3D что делать

How to Fix Failed to Initialize Direct3D on Windows

When you try to launch a game on PC, you may see an error message “Failed to initialize Direct3D.” This problem may appear repeatedly. But, You can easily fix it.

Direct3D is an API (Application Programming Interface) of Microsoft Windows. Your computer uses it to render three-dimensional graphics in applications where performance is important, such as games. So, When Windows can’t use it correctly, it shows you these error messages.

  • Initialization of Direct3D device failed
  • Failed initialize Direct3D with current settings
  • Cannot initialize Direct3D device
  • Direct3D unable to create device, set display mode
  • Error initializing Direct3D device is not available

and many other similar messages.

This graphics card related problem appears when you try to open a game or a high-performance software that requires graphics power. Notably, The users who play games on steam are more familiar with this type of error. It happens due to an old DirectX version, graphics card compatibility issue or other third-party software conflicts. But, You can get rid of it easily.

Fix Failed to Initialize Direct3D

You can follow several methods to resolve this issue. Any of them will work. Here are the most effective techniques to fix this problem.

1. Upgrade DirectX

Typically, You should have the latest DirectX installed on your PC. But, If you don’t update Windows regularly, you probably have an old version. You can quickly check the DirectX version. To do it, follow these steps.

  • First of all, Open the Start Menu, type dxdiag and hit enter.
  • Now, Click on Yes if prompted. You will see a new “DirectX Diagnostic Tool.”
  • Look at the end of the System Information section under System tab. You should see the DirectX version.
  • You also should go to the Display tab to see if Direct3D acceleration is enabled.

Currently, DirectX 12 is the latest one. If you see anything else, you can upgrade it to the newer one. But, Before that, you should be sure that your graphics card supports the latest DirectX. Here are the instructions to update it.

  • You can install the latest update of Windows. It should automatically update to the most recent DirectX version.
  • You also can directly download it from here.
  • Then, Install it on your PC.

Now, Restart your computer. It should fix failed to initialize Direct3D . You can launch the problematic game to verify this method has worked.

2. Update Graphics Card Driver

When your graphics card driver is not compatible, it may fail to perform smoothly with latest Windows OS, games or apps that require 3D engine. In this case, It may show you Direct3D related errors. So, You should update your graphics card to the latest version.

To update, you can visit graphics card manufacturer website, download the latest driver and install it on your PC. Else, You can use third-party tools like Driver Booster to do it automatically. Read: How to Update Drivers on Windows

After doing it, restart your PC. It will solve failed to initialize 3D error.

3. Run Hardware Troubleshooter

Still getting the same error? If it keeps happening even after you have a compatible graphics hardware, latest DirectX, maybe there is something wrong that you can’t figure out. So, You should run Hardware and Devices Troubleshooter. It may automatically detect the issue and apply fixes. As a result, you may get rid of Direct3D initialization problem.

  • At first, Press on Win + I on the keyboard to open Settings.
  • Now, Go to Update & Security > Troubleshoot.
  • Find and click on Hardware and Devices and then click on Run the troubleshooter.
  • Follow onscreen instructions and apply fixes.

After doing it, Check if it has repaired the error.

4. Perform Clean Boot

You may have heard about the clean boot. It disables all third-party services and runs only MS services so that users can understand if there are any third-party apps causing problems. It is extremely helpful to troubleshoot advanced errors on Windows. So, To fix failed to initialize Direct3D error, you should perform the clean boot. If you see that you are not facing any problem in clean boot mode, you should find out which third-party program is causing the problem. Then, Uninstall it.

5. Repair Visual C++ Redistributables

Repairing visual C++ redistributables is another excellent method to fix failed to initialize Direct3D. To do it, follow these instructions.

  • At first, Open the start menu, type appwiz.cpl and hit enter. It will open a new Window.
  • Now, You should see all of the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages. Just right click on them one by one and choose Change. Then, Click on Repair and follow onscreen instructions.

It should repair all of its internal problems and replaces all missing and faulty .DLL files. After that, Run the app or game which one was showing Direct3D error. Now, It should open without any problem. If repairing visual C++ fails to fix the problem, You can try to re-install them. It may work.

6. Replace Graphics Card

To get rid of failed to initialize Direct3D, you may need to replace your graphics card with a newer one. Because some old GPUs don’t support many features of latest Windows 10 and they also don’t support all games and apps. So, You can’t do many things to fix any Direct3D related problems when you have a very old GPU.

These are the most effective solutions to fix this problem. But, There may be other specific solutions for specific apps and games. If above methods don’t help, you may contact that app or game support to get better instructions to fix failed to initialize Direct3D.

Have you already fixed your problem? You are welcome to share which one has worked for you.

На главную

нужна помощь компьютерщиков

dei2001 30 янв 2017

при запуске игры выдает такое сообщение:

Failed to initialize Direct 3D

Make sure you have at least DirectX 9.0c instaled, have drivers for you graphics cfrd and have not disabled 3d acceleration

in display settings.

пробовал переустановить директ Х — пишет что всё установлено.

что посоветуете, не могу запустить игру

NUBYARA71 30 янв 2017

01maloi1 30 янв 2017

dei2001 30 янв 2017

sovaby_minsk 30 янв 2017

Попробуй все таки вот по этой ссылке Установить 9директ !

Если опять не поможет .
найди деинсталятор видеокарт Вычисти установку драйверов видеокарт перегрузись и установи драйвера заново
если графика гибридная типа intel video + еще одна видео
После очистки первым ставь интел.

Сообщение отредактировал sovaby_minsk: 30 янв 2017 — 14:34

dei2001 30 янв 2017

dei2001 30 янв 2017

sovaby_minsk 30 янв 2017

KAJIbIMAH 30 янв 2017

NaPiLNiK_1987 30 янв 2017

Если у меня есть компьютер,то я компьютерщик?Или может я что то пропустил и появилась новая профессия

Зы.Сдается мне,что тебе придется задонатить на новую видюху (не шучу)

Сообщение отредактировал NaPiLNiK_1987: 30 янв 2017 — 14:47

Chesney 30 янв 2017

01maloi1 30 янв 2017

dei2001 30 янв 2017

sovaby_minsk (30 Янв 2017 — 15:41) писал:

сделал не помогло, та же ошибка вылезает

dei2001 30 янв 2017

LEPRIKON124 (30 Янв 2017 — 15:57) писал:

пОПРОБУЙ откат драйверов на видюху, наверное да же на две версии,

тоже пробовал, нет эффекта

XQPBAT 30 янв 2017

dei2001 (30 Янв 2017 — 14:29) писал:

при запуске игры выдает такое сообщение:

Failed to initialize Direct 3D

Make sure you have at least DirectX 9.0c instaled, have drivers for you graphics cfrd and have not disabled 3d acceleration

in display settings.

пробовал переустановить директ Х — пишет что всё установлено.

что посоветуете, не могу запустить игру

Где ты тут ТС увидел компьютерщиков? Тут одни тролли сидят.

mrfox2012 30 янв 2017

dei2001 (30 Янв 2017 — 11:29) писал:

при запуске игры выдает такое сообщение:

Failed to initialize Direct 3D

Make sure you have at least DirectX 9.0c instaled, have drivers for you graphics cfrd and have not disabled 3d acceleration

in display settings.

пробовал переустановить директ Х — пишет что всё установлено.

что посоветуете, не могу запустить игру

Какая видеокарта и что ты пробуешь запустить — там по буржуйски написано на вашем установленном директ х 9 не установлен 3d акселератор.

mrfox2012 30 янв 2017

WAAAAAAGH_BIG_SHOOTA (30 Янв 2017 — 12:13) писал:

Что ж вы делаете такого со своими кампуктерами?

Сколько у меня было машин, ни одна не тупила и не засорялась. Только разве что от времени

да он так и не ответил что у него там за зверь (видеокарта) и что он хочет запустить.

dei2001 30 янв 2017

ctacin560 30 янв 2017

Next 09 фев 2017

dei2001 (30 Янв 2017 — 17:19) писал:

Удачи на полях сражений! Рад, что Ваша проблема решилась.

Failed to initialize Direct3D что делать

We’re going to need «Registry Editor» to fix this error.

    Go to the Start menu, and search for «regedit.»

  • Run the program.
  • We need to find the right folder and file to edit.

      Open the dropdown menu for «HKEY_CURRENT_USER.»

    Open the dropdown menu for «Software.»

    Open the dropdown menu for «Eidos.»

    Open the dropdown menu for «Deus Ex: HRDC.»

  • Go to the «Graphics» folder.
  • There’s a million files in this folder, and at first it may look intimidating. However, all we need is to open the file named «EnableDirectX11.» When you open it, you’ll see a box in which «1» is displayed. This means DirectX 11 is enabled when running the game. Set this to 0 and click «Ok.»

    If you try running DX: HRDC now, the Direct3D error should be resolved. The game should start like it’s supposed to, and you should never have to worry about DX freaking out like this again.

    Failed to initialize Direct3D что делать

    «Failed to initialize Direct3D.
    Make sure you have at least DirectX 9.0c installed, have drivers for your
    graphics card and have not disabled 3D acceleration
    in display settings.
    InitializeEngineGraphics failed»

    Like me, several more ppl have this same error msg, and arent able to play the game at all.
    I have opened a ticket to try and solve the problem, also have asked to dev’s for a solution.
    So far the help from costumer center wasnt able to solve it, and no reply from dev’s.

    Since i also work on IT, decided to do some tests myself.
    And so far i think i may have «solved» (workarround) it.

    SOLUTION (workarround, doit on your own risk, im not a dev)

    Apparentely the problem its related with/how the game calls the .dll
    On mi 64b Win10, he dont «like» to use Directx9, but runs ok with Directx11

    1 — Go to your game instalation folder (Program Files (x86)GOGGalaxyGamesDiluvion)
    2 — You will find there several .dll including d3d9.dll and d3d11.dll
    3 — Rename the d3d9.dll to something else like #d3d9.dll
    4 — As so, the game will use the d3d11.dll

    After this change i was able to play/run the game with no problem at all.
    PS — Sorry mi english, its self learned.

    How to Fix Failed to Initialize Direct3D on Windows

    When you try to launch a game on PC, you may see an error message “Failed to initialize Direct3D.” This problem may appear repeatedly. But, You can easily fix it.

    Direct3D is an API (Application Programming Interface) of Microsoft Windows. Your computer uses it to render three-dimensional graphics in applications where performance is important, such as games. So, When Windows can’t use it correctly, it shows you these error messages.

    • Initialization of Direct3D device failed
    • Failed initialize Direct3D with current settings
    • Cannot initialize Direct3D device
    • Direct3D unable to create device, set display mode
    • Error initializing Direct3D device is not available

    and many other similar messages.

    This graphics card related problem appears when you try to open a game or a high-performance software that requires graphics power. Notably, The users who play games on steam are more familiar with this type of error. It happens due to an old DirectX version, graphics card compatibility issue or other third-party software conflicts. But, You can get rid of it easily.

    Fix Failed to Initialize Direct3D

    You can follow several methods to resolve this issue. Any of them will work. Here are the most effective techniques to fix this problem.

    1. Upgrade DirectX

    Typically, You should have the latest DirectX installed on your PC. But, If you don’t update Windows regularly, you probably have an old version. You can quickly check the DirectX version. To do it, follow these steps.

    • First of all, Open the Start Menu, type dxdiag and hit enter.
    • Now, Click on Yes if prompted. You will see a new “DirectX Diagnostic Tool.”
    • Look at the end of the System Information section under System tab. You should see the DirectX version.
    • You also should go to the Display tab to see if Direct3D acceleration is enabled.

    Currently, DirectX 12 is the latest one. If you see anything else, you can upgrade it to the newer one. But, Before that, you should be sure that your graphics card supports the latest DirectX. Here are the instructions to update it.

    • You can install the latest update of Windows. It should automatically update to the most recent DirectX version.
    • You also can directly download it from here.
    • Then, Install it on your PC.

    Now, Restart your computer. It should fix failed to initialize Direct3D . You can launch the problematic game to verify this method has worked.

    2. Update Graphics Card Driver

    When your graphics card driver is not compatible, it may fail to perform smoothly with latest Windows OS, games or apps that require 3D engine. In this case, It may show you Direct3D related errors. So, You should update your graphics card to the latest version.

    To update, you can visit graphics card manufacturer website, download the latest driver and install it on your PC. Else, You can use third-party tools like Driver Booster to do it automatically. Read: How to Update Drivers on Windows

    After doing it, restart your PC. It will solve failed to initialize 3D error.

    3. Run Hardware Troubleshooter

    Still getting the same error? If it keeps happening even after you have a compatible graphics hardware, latest DirectX, maybe there is something wrong that you can’t figure out. So, You should run Hardware and Devices Troubleshooter. It may automatically detect the issue and apply fixes. As a result, you may get rid of Direct3D initialization problem.

    • At first, Press on Win + I on the keyboard to open Settings.
    • Now, Go to Update & Security > Troubleshoot.
    • Find and click on Hardware and Devices and then click on Run the troubleshooter.
    • Follow onscreen instructions and apply fixes.

    After doing it, Check if it has repaired the error.

    4. Perform Clean Boot

    You may have heard about the clean boot. It disables all third-party services and runs only MS services so that users can understand if there are any third-party apps causing problems. It is extremely helpful to troubleshoot advanced errors on Windows. So, To fix failed to initialize Direct3D error, you should perform the clean boot. If you see that you are not facing any problem in clean boot mode, you should find out which third-party program is causing the problem. Then, Uninstall it.

    5. Repair Visual C++ Redistributables

    Repairing visual C++ redistributables is another excellent method to fix failed to initialize Direct3D. To do it, follow these instructions.

    • At first, Open the start menu, type appwiz.cpl and hit enter. It will open a new Window.
    • Now, You should see all of the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages. Just right click on them one by one and choose Change. Then, Click on Repair and follow onscreen instructions.

    It should repair all of its internal problems and replaces all missing and faulty .DLL files. After that, Run the app or game which one was showing Direct3D error. Now, It should open without any problem. If repairing visual C++ fails to fix the problem, You can try to re-install them. It may work.

    6. Replace Graphics Card

    To get rid of failed to initialize Direct3D, you may need to replace your graphics card with a newer one. Because some old GPUs don’t support many features of latest Windows 10 and they also don’t support all games and apps. So, You can’t do many things to fix any Direct3D related problems when you have a very old GPU.

    These are the most effective solutions to fix this problem. But, There may be other specific solutions for specific apps and games. If above methods don’t help, you may contact that app or game support to get better instructions to fix failed to initialize Direct3D.

    Have you already fixed your problem? You are welcome to share which one has worked for you.

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